Words from the Wise 33: Aristotle

 In 25th Anniversary, Articles, Careers, Words from the Wise

This is a series of posts that uses a quotation by a famous person from history to make a point about career management. Take a moment to reflect and see whether you can start using this wisdom as you start managing your career.

Barack Obama said:

“Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.”

Proteus Career Management says:

“The best kind of democratic workplace is one where the employer habitually seeks the views of the employees and asks, ‘What do you think?’”

The lesson? “Manage relationships professionally.”

Dr Mike Warren says:

Beware of the line manager who tells you what to do. Better the one who invites and demonstrates, but best is the leader who is inclusive and who inspires you to do things. If you are a director, manager, line manager, leader or supervisor yourself then your first obligation to those whom you lead is to understand their values, beliefs, personality style, drivers and character traits: your second obligation is then to create a working environment and a communication style that is conducive to each individual’s wellbeing.

Weather vaneOur passion is helping you find your true career path

Centuries ago – according to Homer – Proteus guided Jason and his Argonauts towards their home as they tried to return from the Trojan Wars. The team at Proteus Consultancy is passionate about helping you find your true career path. Look at our sessions and programmes, or just get in touch to book your free career consultation.

You and Proteus – Protecting your Livelihood.

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