Words from the Wise: 002 – Napoleon Bonaparte

 In 25th Anniversary, Articles, Careers, Words from the Wise

What does Napoleon Bonaparte tell us about Ability versus Opportunity and what are the implications for our careers.  This is a series of posts that uses a quotation by a famous person from history to make a point about career management.  Take a moment to consider whether you can start using this wisdom as you manage your career.

Napoleon Bonaparte said:

“Ability is of little account without opportunity.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Proteus Career Management says:

“You may have the best abilities on the planet, the ones every employer is seeking but, without the right self-marketing strategy, the two will have very little chance of meeting.”

The lesson?

“Define an effective self-marketing strategy.”

Dr Mike Warren says:

“The inference drawn from Napoleon Bonaparte’s quotation gives job seekers an important lesson. Proteus Career Management says it’s all about having the right self-marketing strategy.  You might be the perfect candidate but unless you are creative in marketing yourself you won’t get very far!

“Around 10% of professionals find their next opportunity through the advertised market.  What about the other 90%: how do they find their next opportunity?  They have learned how to unearth, find and create opportunities by using different self-marketing channels rather than relying solely on online and off-line job advertisements.”

Weather vaneOur passion is helping you find your true career path

Centuries ago – according to Homer – Proteus guided Jason and his Argonauts towards their home as they tried to return from the Trojan Wars. The team at Proteus Consultancy is passionate about helping you find your true career path. Look at our sessions and programmes, or just get in touch through our web site to book your free career consultation and a free Career Drivers Assessment.

Work with Proteus to Protect your Livelihood.

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