Words from the Wise 32: Barack Obama

 In 25th Anniversary, Articles, Careers, Words from the Wise

This is a series of posts that uses a quotation by a famous person from history to make a point about career management. Take a moment to reflect and see whether you can start using this wisdom as you start managing your career.

Barack Obama said:

“Don’t let your failures define you – let them teach you.”

Proteus Career Management says:

“If you fail an interview, don’t focus on the failure, focus on what you can learn from it. Take yourself though a formal self-debrief.”

The lesson? “Don’t fear failure – use it.”

Dr Mike Warren says:

In the likely absence of useful feedback from your interviewers, be they companies or recruiters, it is vitally important that you debrief yourself immediately after an interview. Your aim is to assess whether you came across as well as you are capable of doing. Devise a series of questions which, when answered, will allow you, objectively, to assess how you did and thereby to improve your performance next time. As Barack Obama implies – learn from every experience!

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Centuries ago – according to Homer – Proteus guided Jason and his Argonauts towards their home as they tried to return from the Trojan Wars. The team at Proteus Consultancy is passionate about helping you find your true career path. Look at our sessions and programmes, or just get in touch to book your free career consultation.

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