Words from the Wise 25: Dale Carnegie

 In 25th Anniversary, Articles, Careers, Words from the Wise

This is a series of posts that uses a quotation by a famous person from history to make a point about career management. Take a moment to reflect and see whether you can start using this wisdom as you start managing your career.

Dale Carnegie said:

“The expression a woman wears on her face is far more important than the clothes she wears on her back.”

Proteus Career Management says:

“In the interview room, whether male or female, your attitude is displayed more by your facial expression than by your clothes. The expression on your face is yours to choose, but your clothes were chosen before you entered the room: make sure both are appropriate!”

The lesson? “Project the right attitude.”

Dr Mike Warren says:

In the interview process interviewers definitely should not ‘judge a book by its cover’ even though they may be strongly tempted to do so. On the other side of the coin, the interviewee may ‘dress for success’, but it’s the smile, the body language, the attitude and not what is said but how it is said that leads to success. Yes the clothes need to be ‘interview appropriate’ but if the attitudinal aspects are not correct the clothes will count for nothing.

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Centuries ago – according to Homer – Proteus guided Jason and his Argonauts towards their home as they tried to return from the Trojan Wars. The team at Proteus Consultancy is passionate about helping you find your true career path. Look at our sessions and programmes, or just get in touch to book your free career consultation.

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